About FoR

Frames of Reference Films Ltd is an independent production company that makes feature films, short film projects and documentaries.

FRAMES of REFERENCE FILMS ltd is an independent production company that makes feature films, short film projects and documentaries.

It was set-up in 2000 by Principal Producer, Jenny Walker with Helen MacAuley Stewart. They had collaborated on making award winning and controversial documentaries for C4. The short film ‘DELILAH’, shot on 35mm, was FoR Films first drama. Its high budget of £80,000 was raised through the UK FILM COUNCIL, FILM LONDON and SOUTH WEST SCREEN.

‘DELILAH’ was written by Kam Gandhi and Directed by Esther Campbell. It was supported by WORKING TITLE films during development.

Now FoR FILMS supports a slate of short and feature length drama and documentary programmes for theatrical release and broadcast, both through the company and in collaboration with other film-makers. The company has four staff members who offer complementary expertise.

Each works with FoR Films to produce independently made drama and documentary programmes and also works on contract or as consultant on an ad hoc basis for other companies, each in their own area of expertise. FoR Films ltd Equal Opportunitites Policy encourages people from groups currently under-represented in the Industry.

Create something with us

We are experts at creating striking genre films with socially conscious messages.